See it. Do it. Teach it.

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The Hand Weavers' Help Desk


Do you have the equipment but forgotten the steps to get your loom dressed? Got a warp on your loom with mistakes, and want to know which can be repaired and how? Struggling to find quality videos and resources on-line that cover your exact mistake? You have found the resource you’ve been looking for!

I learned to weave when the internet was in its infancy - it would be a long time before quality on-line learning became available. I also lived rurally, so my learning was in isolation. Honestly, I had one instructional weaving book, one pattern book, and one quick reference book for the first ten years of my weaving history. Needless to say, but I’ll say it anyways, I made a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes. I tell my students about this time in my weaving history: “It is only through sheer perseverance that I kept weaving.”

It wasn’t until my second year of studies toward my Master Weaver certification that I realized all weavers make mistakes. These days, I wholeheartedly agree with my beta student’s assessment of the situation: “I’ve discovered that learning to weave is learning how to fix mistakes.”

Yes, it’s true. Very true. Mistakes are going to happen in weaving. Probably every warp. It’s human nature. Think about it: a common scarf warp has 120 threads or so…perhaps a lot more if done in 60/2 silk! You are handling 120 threads three times: warping, sleying, threading. What are the chances you don’t mishandle at least one of those 360 encounters? The key to mastering weaving is learning how to handle the mistake (sometimes by not handling it at all).

So, if you have a mistake (including just plain forgetting), and want help learning what to do, let’s get started! I am confident we can make a textile out of that warp!

This is a $10.00 deposit toward your first consultation that will be charged at a rate of $10.00 per quarter hour. Consultation is performed through email, and telephone- and video-conferences.